What’s Left Survey Findings prove water and property taxes are unfeasible

Anti household tax campaigners have said that survey findings that over 1.8 million people have only €25 per week left after paying their bills “prove that it is not feasible for the government to believe that it can impose water and property taxes on people who are already completely strapped for cash”.

“The Irish League of Credit Unions’ ‘What’s Left?’ survey showed that 602,000 people have absolutely nothing left when they pay their bills, that half of households struggle to pay their bills on time and that 40% of households have had to borrow to pay their bills over the last 12 months,” said Gregor Kerr, spokesperson for campaign Against Household and Water Taxes (CAHWT).

“In this context, how does the government possibly believe that it can impose property and water taxes which will amount to over €1,000 per household? People’s incomes have been slashed by a combination of austerity measures and stealth taxes. They have had enough and cannot take the imposition of any more financial pain.”

“These figures must be looked at in the context of figures released last week which showed that the top 10,000 Irish earners who have average incomes of €595,000 per year pay an effective tax rate of just 29%,” Mr. Kerr continued.

“Instead of wasting time sending harassing letters to people who have refused to register for the household tax, the government should be taking moves to ensure that the wealthy are made to pay more tax.”

“Austerity measures are inflicting real financial pain on householders across the country,” Mr. Kerr concluded. “That is why people are refusing to register for the household tax and are preparing to resist the imposition of property and water taxes. It is also why thousands of people will take to the streets on Wednesday of next week (18th July) and join the CAHWT-organised march against austerity. People have had enough and are determined to fight back.”

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