New Report on the Onshore Windfarm Sector in Ireland produced by The Heritage Council
The Heritage Council has a statutory obligation under the Heritage Act (1995) to propose policies and priorities for the national heritage and to promote the co-ordination of all activities relating to its functions. Given the current EU Climate and Energy policy and ongoing proposals in Ireland to develop large-scale wind farms, the Heritage Council, has considered the impacts of national onshore wind farm planning policy on Ireland’s heritage in this report “The Onshore Windfarm Sector in Ireland- Planning in Harmony with Heritage”.
The Heritage Council as a national statutory body seeks to ensure that the development of the renewable energy sector in Ireland can be carried out in harmony with our unique and world-renowned national heritage.
The report (Onshore wind only), which was prepared during April-October 2013 in consultation with the Department of the Environment’s Planning Unit, the EPA and SEAI and others, compares planning policy in Ireland with policy in Scotland and Northern Ireland. International case studies are provided from Denmark and Australia and the report also sets out 7 Key Recommendations and 16 Further Recommendations.
Council intends that this research report and the proposals assist the Minister of Comunications, Energy and Natural Resources and his officials in the preparation, implementation and evaluation of the renewable energy policy and development framework, including the scoping of the accompanying Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Environmental Report and the Habitats Directive Natura Impact Statement (NIS). It is envisaged that the research report will contribute to the continued development of the renewable energy sector in Ireland, in harmony with our unique national heritage and will also enable and strengthen community participation.
It is intended that the Heritage Council’s research report and proposals will assist the Irish Government in achieving its ambitious environmental, climate change and renewable energy targets, and that the report will also inform the preparation and delivery of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Ireland and the United Kingdom.
The Main Recommendations Download The Onshore Windfarm Sector in Ireland — Planning in Harmony with Heritage -Recommendations [pdf 353kb]
The Report- Vol 1 & 2 Download our report The Onshore Windfarm Sector in Ireland- Planning in Harmony with Heritage, Policy Research Paper- Vol 1 [pdf 985kb]
Download The Onshore Windfarm Sector in Ireland- Planning in Harmony with Heritage, Policy Research Paper- Vol 2- The Heritage Council Review of S28 Wind Energy Guidelines, 2006 [pdf 300kb]