George Hook Leads Debate on Growing Old in Ireland – Portlaoise Event Announced
“By 2021 there will 800,000 people over the age of 65 in Ireland. Are we minding an ageing population?”
Newstalk Broadcaster George Hook was speaking at the launch of An EngAGEment with Bluebird Care which comes to Portloaise and Killarney later this month. The event will debate growing old in Ireland and the concerns of older people, their families, carers and the wider community.
Organised by Bluebird Care the free two-hour seminar will be hosted in The Heritage Hotel Portlaoise on Thursday 22nd May and in The Malton Hotel Killarney on Wednesday 28th May. Both events start at 7.30pm.
Speakers include An Garda Síochána, Age Action, Active Retirement Ireland, and RESPOND.
George Hook will chair the event, which will debate:
• Growing old in Ireland
• Austerity and the impact on Pensioners
• Life after retirement
• Social engagement: The key to older people’s wellbeing
• Healthcare and homecare
• Home security

George Hook at An EngAGEment with Bluebird Care which comes to Portlaoise and Killarney later this month.
There will also be interaction with a live audience. Tickets to the event are free and anyone with an interest in the subject is invited to come along.
Operations Director with Bluebird Care Eddie O’Toole says, “We recognise that it is becoming more and more difficult for older people in Ireland given the impact of austerity, families emigrating, healthcare provision and the concerns of older people about feeling safe in their own home. All of these issues will be discussed at our upcoming event and it will provide older people, their families, health professionals, active retirement groups and other agencies to ask questions and give their views.”
Both events are free but prior booking is required.
To book a place at the Portlaoise event: Email or call 057 866 6377.
To book a place at the Killarney event: Email to book your place or call 066 710 4015.
You can also find out more at or on the Bluebird Care Facebook page.