New Aviation Education Programme launches in January

Investing in yourself for 2015? College Ireland and ITB launch the Higher Cert in Business Mgt (Aviation) this January.

Fancy yourself in Aviation? Are you finding its a while since you studied a course that really got you all fired up?- Does your mind need some TLC? Do you need to shake up your thinking? Are you looking to move into management, possibly move between Business or Aviation Sectors, increase your prospects of promotion? When was the last time you invested in yourself, your learning, doing things better, looking at situations through a different set of eyes, picking up new skills and learning’s that straight away you see it MAKES A DIFFERENCE TO HOW YOU OPERATE professionally and personally? read on…

College Ireland logo new April '12 (4)College Ireland and IT Blanchardstown have a solution for you! Why not take up an Accredited Programme? Lets look at the Higher Cert in Business Mgt (Aviation). Not only does it lead to the option of a Degree (one year later), it also provides for you general business management, you will learn the characteristics, regulations and mechanisms of the aviation industry. Research and project work help to deepen and intensify your knowledge.
Think about it, Look at Aviation Technical Professionals who want to move up the management ladder, they need to be able to read and understand more than just technical manuals and be able to write more than logbook entries. In particular, moving into supervisory and management positions usually means being able to articulate maintenance issues or needs to an audience not intimately familiar with maintenance.

For example, a supervisor may have to write up budget justifications and incident or accident reports, including government inquiries from the IAA, the Airport Authority, and other agencies. With the cutbacks in administrative and human resource personnel, maintenance supervisors and managers are often left on their own to fill out paperwork. And since maintenance is a 24/7 operation, problems that require written reports can occur at times when 9-5 employees are off duty and unavailable for assistance.
By the time you graduate, you will have an excellent academic education and a perfect starting point for an international aviation career or progression in your current career.The programme’s strong academic focus and its practical components have repeatedly received praise from the industry.

  • Faculty with proven international experience
  • Instruction in small, international groups
  • Theory and practice linked through case studies and projects with international organisations
  • Development of key social, professional and intercultural skills
  • Access to extensive industry contacts for career opps, including information and networking programmes
    Profit from our 40 years of experience in the field. Our language of instruction is English, and our programmes make students highly employable. Our international professors use their practical experience to teach aviation management through case studies, project work and theory. 
    To register contact us at  or visit for details.


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