#WhatIMiss – Ombudsman for Children asks how lockdown is affecting young people
The Ombudsman for Children’s Office (OCO) has today launched #WhatIMiss, a social media campaign inviting young people to share their views and opinions on how the Covid-19 crisis and the lockdown is affecting them. The Ombudsman for Children, Dr Niall Muldoon said: “#WhatIMiss is about hearing directly from young people.

“The past few weeks have been extremely difficult for children. Their routines have been completely thrown out the window and we’re asking them to do things that they would not usually do. “Children’s lives have been utterly changed by what has happened, yet we have heard very little from them. We have been told to keep children at home, not to bring them to shops or public places if possible. They have been asked to sacrifice their freedom and development for the benefit of wider society, and they have stepped up to the plate. “Throughout the month of April, we’re asking children and young people to tell us how the coronavirus and the lockdown has impacted them. How has it impacted their home lives, their education and their right to play and rest? “We want to know what they miss, what they will appreciate when this is over and what they would like adults to know. “Young people can get involved by sharing a video, picture, post, meme or whatever works for them on social media. “It’s a good idea for young people talk to their parents if they questions about what should be shared online. In Ireland the Digital Age of Consent is 16 so we’re asking those under 16 to enter via their parent’s social media ensuring they have permission. “A panel of young people will judge the entries. A weekly winner will be announced and there will be an overall winner at the end. “All of the information is available on the OCO social media channels. Instagram: ombudsmanforchildren. Facebook: @OCOIreland. Twitter: @OCO_ireland. “You can also visit our website www.oco.ie for more details.”