Community and inclusion prioritised by Government as it extends Creative Ireland for another five years
- Creative Ireland Programme will continue until 2027
- Over 7,500 creative initiatives completed to date
- Over 100,000 young people now participate in Cruinniú na nÓg
- New initiatives in Creative Industries, Creative Health and Wellbeing, Climate Action and Social Sustainability to be delivered
- New Shared Island element to be introduced
Minister for Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media, Catherine Martin T.D. has welcomed the Government’s support for her proposal to extend the Creative Ireland Programme to 2027. Along with established programmes of work in Creative Communities and Creative Youth, new priorities will be pursued in the Creative Industries, Creative Health and Wellbeing and Climate Action and Social Sustainability. The Programme will also develop a major Shared Island dimension with support from the Department of the Taoiseach. This extension was approved by Government this week.
In 2017 the Creative Ireland Programme launched as an all-of-Government culture and wellbeing initiative committed to the vision that every person in Ireland should have the opportunity to realise their full creative potential.
Since then thousands of opportunities have been created to unlock an ecosystem of creativity. This was achieved by building strong partnerships between central and local Government, artists and the wider creative community and most of all the communities in which the projects were delivered.
Minister Catherine Martin said:
“My Department will continue its work with partners across central and local Government, through the Creative Ireland Programme, to deploy the power of creativity in support of wellbeing in every community. While I was keen for Creative Ireland to retain its priorities around young people, local communities and opportunities for the most disadvantaged, I am delighted Government has agreed to place a greater focus on health and wellbeing, our creative industries, climate action, and social sustainability. I am particularly keen that, through this programme, we enhance the opportunities for the most disadvantaged to engage with creativity.”
Through Creative Ireland, the Government emphasised the supporting role of culture and creativity across policies in education, health and wellbeing, innovation, international relations, sustainable local development and increased support for the creative industries.
In five years the Creative Ireland Programme has emerged as a positive framework for change. Over 7,500 community-led creative initiatives nationwide have promoted participation, inclusion and cultural expression. These includeinitiatives such as Cruinniú na nÓg, which provides thousands of Irish children with the opportunity to express themselves creatively.
Creative Ireland has led in policy development by supporting conferences where new ideas around the role of creativity in education and young people’s lives, the role of culture in our health care system, and the role of service design across the public service were discussed.
Programme highlights include
Cruinniú na Óg launched in 2017. It is now a key event in the cultural life of Ireland’s young people and is the only event of its kind in the world. In 2022 over 101,000 young people participated in 1,690 free cultural events led by more than 1,200 creative practitioners. These events provided young people with the opportunity to try something new and demonstrate their own creative abilities.
Creative Climate Action. This unique initiative pulls together the skills and expertise of the creative community, climate activists, NGOs, academics, local government organisations and communities to create projects that will raise awareness and change the behaviours that have helped exacerbate the climate crisis. The second Creative Climate Action fund has just been launched with financial support from the Department of Environment, Climate and Communications and the Department of the Taoiseach.
In response to the isolation caused by the lockdown in 2020, the Creative Ireland Programme worked with the Mobile Music Machine to bring the joy and energy of live music to care homes and hospital settings around the country. Travelling continually throughout the crisis, the Mobile Music Machine delivered over 1650 concerts by more than 100 musicians in nursing and care homes in 23 counties.
In 2022 the programme piloted six creative Shared Island projects to harness the power of cultural creativity to bring communities together and to strengthen our sense of shared identity. Government is now fully committed to the project with a projected spend of €6 million over three years.
The Creative Ireland Programme led by the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media is designed to promote creativity as a strategy for wellbeing, social cohesion and economic success. Its core proposition is that participation in cultural and creative activity promotes individual, community and national wellbeing. The Department strives through Creative Ireland to promote understanding and appreciation of the value of creativity in all its forms and embed creativity across public policy.
Tugann an Rialtas tús áite do chuimsiú pobail trí shíneadh 5 bliana a chur le hÉire Ildánach.
- Leanfaidh Clár Éire Ildánach go dtí 2027
- Cuireadh 7,500 tionscnamh cruthaitheach i grích go dtí seo
- Tá níos mó ná 100,000 duine óg ag glacadh páirt i gCruinniú na nÓg anois
- Tionsnaimh Nua le Seachadadh in Earnálacha Cruthaitheacha, Sláinte agus Folláine Chruthaitheach, Gníomhú ar son na hAeráide agus Inbhuanaitheacht Shóisialta
- Cuirfear gné nua Oileán Comhroinnte san áireamh
An tseachtain seo, d’fháiltigh an tAire Turasóireachta, Cultúir, Ealaíon, Gaeltachta, Spóirt agus Meán, Catherine Martin T.D. roimh thacaíocht an Rialtais dá moladh chun síneadh a chur le Clár Éire Ildánach go 2027. In éineacht le cláir oibre seanbhunaithe i bPobail Chruthaitheacha agus in Óige Ildánach, saothrófar tosaíochtaí nua sna hEarnálacha Cruthaitheacha, sa tSláinte agus san Fholláine Chruthaitheach, sa Ghníomhaíocht ar son na hAeráide agus san Inbhuanaitheacht Shóisialta. Forbróidh mórghné Oileán Comhroinnte freisin sa Chlár le tacaíocht ó Roinn an Taoisigh. Cheadaigh an Rialtas an síneadh an tseachtain seo.
In 2017 seoladh Clár Éire Ildánach mar thionscnamh cultúir agus folláine uile-rialtais atá tiomanta don fhís gur cheart go mbeadh an deis ag gach duine in Éirinn a gcumas cruthaitheach a bhaint amach.
Ó shin i leith cruthaíodh na mílte deiseanna chun éiceachóras cruthaitheachta a spreagadh. Baineadh é seo amach trí chomhpháirtíochtaí láidre a thógáil idir an rialtas láir agus an rialtas áitiúil, ealaíontóirí agus an pobal cruthaitheach níos leithne agus go príomha na pobail ar fad inar seachadadh na tionscadail.
Dúirt an tAire Catherine Martin:
“Leanfaidh mo Roinnse lena cuid oibre le comhpháirtithe ar fud an rialtais láir agus áitiúil, trí Chlár Éire Ildánach, chun cumhacht na cruthaitheachta a úsáid chun tacú le folláine i ngach pobal. Cé go raibh fonn orm go gcoinneodh Éire Ildánach a tosaíochtaí maidir le daoine óga, pobail áitiúla agus deiseanna do na daoine is mó atá faoi mhíbhuntáiste, tá lúcháir orm gur aontaigh an Rialtas béim níos mó a chur ar shláinte agus ar fholláine, ar ár n-earnálacha cruthaitheacha, ar ghníomhú ar son na haeráide, agus ar inbhuanaitheacht shóisialta. Tá fonn ar leith orm, tríd an gclár seo, cur leis na deiseanna do rannpháirtíocht chruthaitheach na ndaoine is mó atá faoi mhíbhuntáiste.”
Trí Éire Ildánach, leag an rialtas béim ar ról tacaíochta an chultúir agus na cruthaitheachta i bpolasaithe maidir le hoideachas, sláinte agus folláine, nuálaíocht, caidrimh idirnáisiúnta, forbairt áitiúil inbhuanaithe agus tacaíocht mhéadaithe do na tionscail chruthaitheacha.
Le cúig bliana anuas tháinig Clár Éire Ildánach chun cinn mar chreat dearfach don athrú. Chuir breis is 7,500 tionscnamh cruthaitheach faoi stiúir an phobail ar fud na tíre rannpháirtíocht, cuimsiú agus léiriú cultúrtha chun cinn. Ina measc seo tá tionscnaimh ar nós Cruinniú na nÓg, a thugann deis do na mílte páiste Éireannach iad féin a chur in iúl go cruthaitheach.
Tá Éire Ildánach i gceannas ar fhorbairt bheartais trí thacú le comhdhálacha ina bhfuil smaointe nua maidir le ról na cruthaitheachta in oideachas agus i saolta daoine óga, pléitear ról an chultúir inár gcóras cúram sláinte, agus an ról atá ag dearadh seirbhíse ar fud na seirbhíse poiblí.
I measc bhuaicphointí an chláir, tá:
Seoladh Cruinniú na nÓg in 2017. Is príomhimeacht anois é i saol cultúrtha dhaoine óga na hÉireann agus is é an t-aon imeacht dá leithéid ar domhan. In 2022 ghlac breis agus 101,000 duine óg páirt in 1,690 imeacht cultúrtha saor in aisce faoi stiúir níos mó ná 1,200 cleachtóir cruthaitheach. Thug na himeachtaí seo deis do dhaoine óga triail a bhaint as rud éigin nua agus a gcumas cruthaitheach féin a léiriú.
Gníomhú Cruthaitheach ar son na hAeráide.Sa tionscnamh uathúil seo tugtar scileanna agus saineolas an phobail chruthaithigh, gníomhaithe aeráide, eagraíochtaí neamhrialtasacha, scoláirí, eagraíochtaí rialtais áitiúil agus pobail le chéile chun tionscadail a chruthú ina n-ardófar feasacht agus ina n-athrófar na hiompraíochtaí a chuidigh le géarchéim na haeráide a dhéanamh níos measa. Seoladh an dara ciste um Ghníomhú Cruthaitheach ar son na hAeráide le tacaíocht airgeadais ón Roinn Comhshaoil, Aeráide agus Cumarsáide agus Roinn an Taoisigh.
Mar fhreagra ar an iargúltacht a mothaíodh mar gheall ar an dianghlásáil in 2020, d’oibrigh Clár Éire Ildánach le Mobile Music Machine chun áthas agus fuinneamh an cheoil bheo a thabhairt chuig tithe cúraim agus suíomhanna ospidéil ar fud na tíre. Ag taisteal gan staonadh le linn na géarchéime, sheachaid Mobile Music Machine breis agus 1650 ceolchoirm i dtithe altranais agus cúraim le breis agus 100 ceoltóir in 23 contae.
In 2022 chruthaigh an clár sé thionscadal chruthaitheacha Oileán Comhroinnte chun leas a bhaint as cumhacht na cruthaitheachta cultúrtha chun pobail a thabhairt le chéile agus chun ár bhféiniúlacht chomhroinnte a neartú. Tá an Rialtas tiomanta go hiomlán anois don tionscadal le caiteachas réamh-mheasta de €6 mhilliún thar trí bliana.
Tá Clár Éire Ildánach á stiúradh ag an Roinn Turasóireachta, Cultúir, Ealaíon, Gaeltachta, Spóirt agus Meán. Dearadh é chun cruthaitheacht a chur chun cinn mar straitéis le haghaidh folláine, comhtháthú sóisialta agus rathúlacht eacnamaíoch. Is é a phríomh-mholadh ná go gcuireann rannpháirtíocht i ngníomhaíocht chultúrtha agus chruthaitheach folláine an duine aonair, an phobail agus an náisiúin chun cinn. Déanann an Roinn a dícheall trí Éire Ildánach tuiscint ar luach na cruthaitheachta de gach cineál a chur chun cinn agus cruthaitheacht a neadú i mbeartas poiblí.