IASE Gives a Cautious Welcome to the Comprehensive Employment Strategy (CES) for People with Disabilities
Report is a step forward but implementation concerns remain. Over 100,000 additional workers could be integrated into the workforce (06.10.15) The Irish Association of Supported Employment (www.IASE.ie), has cautiously welcomed the publication of the Comprehensive Employment Strategy (CES) for People with Disabilities in Farmleigh House on Friday, as a step forward but has warned […]
Job Shadow Initiative, 20th April – organised by the Irish Association of Supported Employment (IASE)
IASE Patron Sean Gallagher says: “Job Shadow is a very real opportunity for job seekers with disabilities to sample the world of work and for employers to see their abilities as well as the challenges they face in everyday life”. On Wednesday 20th April 2011, hundreds of individuals with disabilities throughout Ireland will be afforded […]