New Grant to Repair or Replace Septic Tanks Welcomed

IFA National Farm Family and Social Affairs Vice Chair Teresa Roche has welcomed the new grant for repairing or replacing existing septic tanks.   Minister Darragh O’Brien announced, from 1st January 2024, the grant available to repair, upgrade or replace septic tanks is to increase to a maximum of €12,000. It was also announced that the […]

How to Take Climate Action through Repair, Reuse and Recycling

Tips for individuals, communities, businesses and the public sector Now that the Government’s Climate Action Plan has been released, many in Ireland are wondering what they can do to take climate action. One area often overlooked is reducing our consumption of goods. Recent studies have found that up to 40% of global emissions are due […]

CRNI Urges Climate Action through Repair, Reuse and Recycling

The calls for urgent climate action were heard loud and clear during the election. As the Government draws up its All of Government Plan on Climate Disruption, now is the time for Ireland to act to reduce the climate impact of our resource consumption. Recent studies have found that up to 40% of global emissions […]