EPA finds no significant improvement in the water quality of rivers and lakes

Overall, there is no significant improvement in the biological quality of our rivers or lakes in 2022; improvements are happening in some areas but these are offset by declines elsewhere.  When excess nutrients – nitrogen and phosphorus – enter our water courses, they cause an overgrowth of plants and algae. This in turn clogs up […]

Water quality of our rivers, lakes, estuaries and coastal areas continues to decline, says EPA

Water quality in Ireland has further declined.  While improvements are being made in some areas, these are being offset by declines in water quality elsewhere. At the current level of progress, Ireland will fail to meet the EU and national goal of restoring all waters to good or better status by 2027 Only just over […]

Higher emission targets for agriculture are not only crucial for our climate, but for water and air quality, biodiversity, and food security say civil society NGOs

The Environmental Pillar, the Stop Climate Chaos Coalition and the Sustainable Water Network (SWAN) have voiced concern that almost no consideration is being given to the water pollution, air pollution, biodiversity loss and food security issues associated with agricultural intensification in the ongoing deliberations on the Sectoral Emissions Ceilings for the Agricultural sector. A 22% […]

EPA enforcement efforts targeted unauthorised peat extraction, waste management and water quality issues in 2021

The EPA carried out 1,295 inspections at EPA licensed sites during the year, a 19 per cent increase compared with 2020.  The EPA carried out a number of targeted enforcement campaigns in 2021 including: 48 inspections at unauthorised peat extraction sites  41 inspections at waste licensed sites, with a focus on improving fire risk management […]

More focused and co-ordinated enforcement is needed by local authorities to protect water and air quality, cautions EPA

Local authority inspection numbers remained high (180,000 in 2020) despite the impact of COVID-19. However, water inspections decreased by 30 per cent and air and noise inspections decreased by 10 per cent. Focused water quality enforcement and follow through on non-compliances in key areas such as farm and septic tank inspections needs improvement. The burning of non-complaint […]

More action is needed by Local Authorities to protect Air and Water Quality warns EPA

The EPA has today released its report on local authority environmental enforcement activities for 2019. There has been an increase in local authority inspection and enforcement activities relating to waste and litter. Further action and coordination are needed to ensure compliance with air legislation, with a focus on fuels that are on sale and in […]

Ireland’s Water Quality Needs to be Better Protected – EPA

Just over half of Irish surface waters are in a satisfactory condition. Nutrient concentrations in waters are too high and the trends are going in the wrong direction. Nitrate concentrations are now increasing in nearly half of our river and groundwater sites. Phosphate levels are increasing in a quarter of river sites.  Concentrations of nitrate […]

Agri–Environment Conference focusses on Biodiversity, Water Quality and Reducing Emissions

Agriculture is currently facing a number of environmental challenges relating to biodiversity, water quality and reducing both greenhouse gas and ammonia emissions. That was the clear message at the National Agri–Environment conference, organised by Teagasc, which took place in Tullamore, County Offaly, on Thursday, 17 October. Pat Murphy, Head of the Teagasc Environment Knowledge Transfer […]

Teagasc Annual Report and Accounts for 2018

Excluding the Net Deferred Funding for Pensions, Teagasc income in 2018 was €195 million (2017 income – €187 million). There was an increase of €6.432 million in Grant in Aid compared to 2017. Research income increased by €1.924 million (6.3%), including increases of €1.835 million in externally funded research grants, €481,000 in analysis fees and […]

Water quality in Irish rivers is going in the wrong direction, warns the EPA

The EPA has found that water quality in Irish waters has deteriorated between 2015 and 2017, despite some improvements: 197 river water bodies have improved in quality but 269 water bodies have deteriorated compared with the last full assessment in 2013-2015.  This means a net overall decline of 3% (72 water bodies). The long-term loss […]