National FP7 Private-Public Partnership (PPP) Workshop June 23, Thomond Park, Limerick

Accessing EU R&D Funding For Your Business

Energy Efficient Buildings, Factories of the Future and Green Car

The workshop will provide guidance and information for companies and researchers on
how to get involved with European R&D funded projects. As well as the funding, other
direct benefits for companies include access to technologies and expertise that will support
the development and growth of business internationally and for academic researchers to
get involved in cutting edge industry focused applied research projects.

With a range of European and national speakers and company case studies, the workshop
will outline European Initiatives on Research and Development, focusing on:
Factories of the Future (FoF): Development and innovation of new enabling
technologies for the EU manufacturing sector
Energy-efficient Buildings (EeB): Methods and technologies to slash energy
consumption and CO2 emissions of new and renovated buildings
Green Cars (GC): Technologies for more environmentally friendly vehicles

For Registration and Further information:
Supported by Supply Network Shannon and the regional chambers of commerce

The EU FP7 Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) for Research and Development
June 23, Thomond Park, Limerick – National Information Day and Workshop
The EU PPPs represent a powerful means of boosting research efforts in the large industrial
sectors particularly affected by the economic downturn: construction, manufacturing and
automotive, and where innovation can significantly contribute towards a more green and
sustainable economy. The EU R&D funding is under Framework Programme 7 (FP7) with
funding of €1bn committed to Energy-efficient Buildings, €1.2bn to Factories of the
Future and €1bn to Green Cars from 2010-2013. Submission opens in mid July 2011 and
will close in December 2011. Successful projects will commence in 2012.
9.30: Registration, Networking, Tea/Coffee and Tours of the Stadium
10.30: Research and Development: Agencies, Third Level Institutes and Industry in
collaboration: the key to a successful economic recovery
– Jerry Moloney, Regional Director, Enterprise Ireland
– Dr. Maria Hinfelaar, President, Limerick Institute of Technology
10.45: A regional chamber’s perspective on R&D opportunities for companies
– Kieran MacSweeney, President, Limerick Chamber of Commerce
11.00: EU funding Opportunities – Liam Brown, FP7 NMP National Delegate, Enterprise Ireland
11.20: Public Private Partnerships – The EU’s approach to R&D supporting economic recovery
– Dr. Andrea Gentili, Deputy Head of Unit, NMP, EU commission
11.40: Tea/coffee
12:00: Factories of the Future: An industrial perspective – Chris Decubber, EFFRA
12.20: Factories of the Future: A large company success – Dr. Jennifer McKenna, Intel
12.35: An SME perspective – John Walsh, Shannon Microcoil and Dr. Mark Southern, UL
12.50: Energy-efficient in buildings: An industrial perspective – Stefano Carosio, E2B
13.10: An Irish Success in Energy Efficiency in buildings Jay Stuart, Delap and Waller EcoCo
13.30: Light Lunch and Networking
14.30: 2 parallel Workshops: Factories of the Future and Energy Efficiency in Buildings
1. Factories of The future:
Irish successes and Opportunities
– Stephen O’Reilly, NCP for ICT, EI
– Philip Cheasty, NCP for NMP, EI
ICT for Factories of the future
– Dr. John Cosgrove, LIT
Opportunities for Ireland Inc.
– Round table Discussion
2. Energy Efficiency in Buildings:
Irish successes and Opportunities
– Dr. Sergio Ceballos, NCP for NMP, EI
– Dr. Gerard Kennedy, NCP for ICT, EI
– Dr. Brian Donlon, NCP for Environment, EPA
European Local ENergy Assistance (ELENA)
– Dr. Matt Kennedy, Senior Policy Analyst, SEAI
Opportunities for Ireland – Round table Discussion
16.00: Next Steps – Liam Brown, FP7 NMP National Delegate, Enterprise Ireland
16.15: Meeting close

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