Launch of the Kilcornan Community Plan with the support of West Limerick Resources Rural Development Programme

Source: West Limerick Resources

Friday last witnessed the launch of the Kilcornan Community Plan, the product of months of consultation and research by the local community with the support of HRA Planning Consultants and through funding from West Limerick Resources Rural Development Programme.

The development of the community plan was funded through West Limerick Resources Community Planning Initiative which offers 90% of cost up to a maximum of €6.000.  According to West Limerick Resources Manager Shay Riordan who spoke at the launch, “Community planning is designed to guide and support communities in their development activities by bringing together all interest groups and examining the issues in the community as a whole, setting out a clear and achievable plan of activities over a given time period.  This in turn will help guide their on-going development and support their applications for funding for support from West Limerick Resources to implement a range of both community and enterprise development initiatives.”

According to John Maher, former Chair of Kilcornan Community Council and one of the driving forces behind the plan, “It was felt that we were now at a stage where a structured plan was required that would provide a roadmap for all future development, commencing with the central area of the parish and spreading from there to the wider areas and whereby all stakeholders including public services, local business, property owners and the community at large would actively engage.  This is our plan, Kilcornan’s Plan, and with the support and cooperation of the community we look forward to making the improvements hoped for.”

West Limerick Resources is currently working with the community with regard to supporting the implementation of a number of recommendations in the plan and other on-going community projects.  Under the previous LEADER programmes the company supported the development of the local Community Centre, which now offers a focal point for all community activities.

To date West Limerick Resources has also supported the development of Community Plans in Kildimo, Mountcollins, Ballybrown with work on-going on a community plan for Pallaskenry. Communities interested in learning more about this initiative should contact Suzanne Rowley, Rural Development Programme Project Officer on 069 79114 or email

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