Minister Shane McEntee launches 2012 Farm Walk and Talk Series at Gurteen College

Source — Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, 14th March 2012

Shane McEntee TD, Minister of State at the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, launched the 2012 Agricultural Science Farm Walk and Talk series at Gurteen Agricultural College, Co. Tipperary.

The events, which will take place throughout the week at various Agricultural Colleges and UCD’s Lyons Estate farm, provide a valuable opportunity for Leaving Certificate students studying Agricultural Science to see at first hand the practicalities of Irish agriculture. Some 3,100 students from 100 secondary schools will attend the events during the week. Speaking at the launch, Minister McEntee acknowledged the role of Teagasc and the private Agricultural Colleges “for the excellent job they do in training young adult farmers”.

 The Minister wished all the students attending the Walk and Talk events “every success with their education” and went on to thank all those responsible for organising the 2012 Farm Walk and Talk series. “I would like to thank Agri-Aware, Teagasc, UCD and the Irish Agricultural Science Teachers Association for all their hard work in ensuring the events take place this week”. 

Full Detials —,62043,en.html

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