Open letter to the Institutions: Europe needs more farmers
Today,in a letter to the European Commission and CAP legislators, signed by farmers’ organisations, environmental organisations, NGOs, unions, and researchers, European Coordination Via Campesina underlines the key role of small and medium-sized farmers in the resolution of current social, environmental, and food-related crises. It demands that EU policy in this pivotal moment must support and increase the […]
The CAP must support more farmers and better food in line with the F2F Strategy
The CAP must introduce measures to reverse the disappearance of Europe’s small farms under the F2F Strategy to counteract the harmful effects of the current agroindustrial model. Industrial production systems that drive environmental damage, socio-economic strain, and human and animal health problems must be replaced by truly sustainable, diverse and agroecological farms that are adapted […]
IFA Says Hill Farmers Being Shortchanged On Environmental Scheme
IFA President Joe Healy has said that the current environmental scheme available to farmers in Hill areas is inadequate and needs to be improved in the upcoming CAP negotiations. Speaking at the annual IFA Hill Sheep Forum in Westport today, the IFA President said that GLAS does not reward farmers satisfactorily. It does not […]
IFA Says No Area Must Lose Out In ANC Review
IFA Rural Development Chairman Joe Brady has said sufficient flexibilities are available to ensure areas currently designated as ANC can be fully protected in the upcoming review. Minister Creed must give assurances to farmers that they will not lose out in the upcoming ANC review when maps are published later this year. Joe Brady […]
IFA Sets Priorities On CAP Rural Development
Minister for Agriculture Michael Creed must deliver a well-financed and ambitious Rural Development Programme (RDP) in the forthcoming CAP negotiations – that was the clear message from the IFA National Rural Development Committee meeting. As a first priority it is vital that the funding available in the current RDP is fully utilised, Rural Development […]
Flexibility Can Be Used In ANC Review – IFA
IFA Rural Development Chairman Joe Brady has said sufficient flexibilities are available to ensure that ANC payments can increase and that areas currently designated can be fully protected in the upcoming review of ANC areas in Ireland. Speaking at a special COPA meeting on the role of ANC payments in the CAP post-2020 today […]
Action To Tackle EU Protein Crop Deficit Demanded – Mairead McGuinness MEP
EU agricultural policy must do more to reduce our dependency on imported protein crops while increasing home-grown production, said Mairead McGuinness MEP and co-author of a new European Parliament Resolution on the future EU strategy for the promotion of protein crops. In adopting the Report, the Parliament’s Agriculture Committee called for an update of the Common […]
Agri Aware Takes To The Skies At Dublin Airport This Spring
Agri Aware, Ireland’s independent agri-food educational body has today announced the launch of a new advertising campaign in Dublin Airport this Spring. The campaign entitled “My land, your land – Ireland” is perfectly timed with the airport set to be thronged with revellers heading to the ever popular Cheltenham Festival and the large influx of diaspora set […]
Agri Aware Ttakes To The Stage At Electric Picnic!
Agri Aware Ireland’s agri-food educational body made its very first music festival appearance at Electric Picnic last weekend (September 2nd and 3rd) ! Agri Aware’s exhibit which was in the Global Green Ecolvillage was unmissable with it’s traditional red hayshed as a centre piece home to host of activities to help visitors learn about the […]