Taking the stress out of starting “big school” – FREE leaflet entitled “Going to Big School”
A free leaflet to support parents with children starting primary school entitled “Going to Big School” has been published online today by Early Childhood Ireland and the National Parents Council Primary (NPC). The handy guide, which is available online from www.earlychildhoodireland.ie and www.npc.ie, says that often it is the parents who are overwhelmed and have […]
Survey finds over half of preschools & crèches nationwide would close if Minister for Social Protection’s sick pay proposal is implemented
Over half of preschools and crèches nationwide would close if required to pay the first month’s sick pay for absent staff, if Minister for Social Protection Joan Burton’s sick pay proposal is implemented. This is according to sick pay survey published 1st August by Early Childhood Ireland, the representative group for preschools, daycare (crèches) and […]