SPARK is a campaign group of single parents, who came together on social media following the budget cuts of 2012
S.P.A.R.K. is a diverse group of single parents living inIrelandwho have united together to protect our children from the radical policy changes introduced in Budget 2012. We are here to raise awareness of the many challenges one-parent families currently face and to identify the essential supports needed to allow us equal participation in society. We assert the rights of our children to be treated equally and demand acknowledgement and recognition of our family status. We actively challenge stereotyping of our families. We oppose any economic, social, legal or political policies that have a detrimental effect on our children or on us as single parents. We seek equality for children regardless of their family circumstances.
Minister Joan Burton
Dail Eireann
Kildare Street
14th February 2012
Dear Minister Burton,
Please find enclosed a match as our contribution to your Valentine’s celebration, we hope you can use it for a candlelit dinner. You ignited the SPARK in lone parents, we would like to return the favour. As people who are parenting alone, Valentine’s Day is just another occasion that we face alone.
Budget 2012 illustrated how little you appreciate the barriers to work lone parent face or the effect a missing parent has on our children’s well-being. The regressive measures introduced will force lone parents into long term welfare dependency and increase child poverty rates.
We call on you as a mother, woman and human being to reflect on these disastrous decisions.
Yours sincerely,
Your Name