Hogan Announces Funding for Local Environmental Initiatives

Mr. Phil Hogan, T.D., Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government today, 2 September 2013, announced the 2013 Local Agenda 21 (LA21) Environmental Partnership Fund.  This fund, which has operated since 1997, supports local environmental initiatives by communities, individuals and not-for-profit groups.  The Minister has allocated funding of €400,000 to this year’s scheme, an increase from €337,000 in 2012.


Launching the scheme Minister Hogan stated “I am delighted to announce a small increase in funding for local environmental projects under the Local Agenda 21 Partnership Fund for 2013.  Funding provided under this scheme supports local projects to improve the environment and make our communities more sustainable.  Together with the local authorities my Department supported  490 projects under this scheme in 2012.”


The Fund promotes sustainable development by assisting small scale, non-profit environmental projects at local level.  Funding provided by the Department is matched by the local authorities, and projects also attract funding from other sources.


Eligible projects are those that will support and complement, at a local level, national environmental policies such as those on Waste, Biodiversity, Climate Change, Air, Water and Sustainable Development.  A variety of projects received funding under the scheme in 2012, including awareness raising initiatives, community gardens, development of biodiversity areas, rainwater harvesting, waste reduction and local environmental planning.


Groups seeking funding for eligible projects are invited to make an application to their local authority (application forms are available from the local authorities). Completed application forms should be returned to the relevant local authority at the latest by 30 September 2013.  Application forms, local authority contacts, and further information on the LA21 Environmental Partnership Fund can be obtained from the Department’s website: www.environ.ie

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