Winner of ‘Forest Wildlife and Plants’ Category of Teagasc Forest Photo Competition Announced
The Teagasc Forestry Development Department announced the winner of category three of its ongoing forest photo competition ‘Celebrating Our Forests’, today Friday 20 November. The worthy winner on this occasion is Mr Chris Martin who resides in Co. Cork. His winning photo, entitled ‘Bright Future for the Red Squirrel’, is a captivating image of this animal that is native to Irish woodlands. Chris, a keen fan of nature, describes the future of the red squirrel as ‘looking good with the help of more well managed forest habitat and the re-establishment of other species such as the pine marten, which may be helping drive back the progress of the invasive and competing grey squirrel.’.

There continues to be very strong interest in this photo competition. Chris’s winning photo was selected from almost 200 further diverse images featuring forest wildlife and plants recently submitted. This competition, which continues to invite images to be submitted up to November 26, focuses on four separate forestry themes, each running over a fortnightly period. As winner of the third category, ‘Forest Wildlife and Plants’, Chris will receive vouchers valued at €250. His winning entry also progresses to the grand final on December 8. On that date, he will be in contention, along with the three other category winners, to collect further vouchers worth €750, bringing the overall winner’s prize to a value of €1000.
Congratulating Chris on his achievement, Teagasc Forestry Researcher Dr Ian Short said: ‘The photo brings us close up to this charming woodland species and provides excellent detail of the squirrel at ground level set against the woodland vegetation in the background. It is also a fine example of how trees and forest habitats can provide a home and refuge for our important wildlife species. The judging panel continue to experience a range of great images from participants of all ages’. The winning photo, along with a selection of highly commended photo entries for ‘Trees on the Farm’, can now be viewed on the forestry section of the Teagasc website at
Entries are now invited for the final category of the Teagasc forest photo competition – ‘Enjoying Our Forests’ – up to 5 PM on November 26, 2020. This ongoing competition is open to non-professional photographers and a maximum of one photo per participant is allowed for each category. Please also consult for full details as well as terms and conditions. Teagasc wishes all participants well in this final competition category and sincerely thanks those who have submitted images to date.